Tuesday, October 23, 2007

The West is Dead

I originally got into the world politics through conspiracy theories. When I was younger I liked thinking that there was more to everything. That everyone in power, or had power was a cheat and liked to oppress other people. I've heard some pretty far out stories, some more credible than others, but all taken with a packet of salt.

How this got me into politics was not necessarily why the people in power were the way they were, but why we, the people, allowed them to be. Lest it be known, I am not an American, I do not support the stars and stripes, it's not my country and I have no allegiances to it. I am Canadian with three A's. I like my bright red maple leaf on my flag. I love my land and I support our international stance. Even that being so, I take a great interest, as should everyone else, in the political processes happening in one of the most powerful nations in the world. Whether or not that is still an accurate statement is not really for me to decide.

One of the last few, I guess you could say, conspiracy theororists I used to read up about was a self-declared time-traveler named John Titor. Whether or not he was a time traveler, it's not that important. It's what he said that I care about. Sometimes people can read one thing far fetched and believe that the entire thing is not worth any claim. People believe that because what he said was so absurd at the time that it holds no claim, and is therefore not an accurate prediction of anything. My response to the skeptics is simple: make a prediction, argue and defend it. If you can't, you have no claim or basis.

However, the same situation was aroused when George Orwell first published 1984. George Orwell's 1984 was his prediction of what it would be like in the future. 1984 is the year the novel takes place. Orwell chose this date because his wife died in 1948. The same kind of feeling, when we think of John Titor's message is the same feeling people first had when they read 1984 for the first time when it was published in 1949.

I'm not going to go into what John Titor said, because I don't need to. The reality that exists now, the same "feeling" of his message exists today. None of John Titor's predictions have come true but I wanted to emphasize one prediction he made.

- The failure of foreign policy will lead to the second civil war in the United States

I got out of the conspiracy theory phase of things. The reason why is because it was an equally as negative of a message, as was the popularly followed ideals. To put it in a more related and clear context; the people who believe they are Republicans, believe they should dislike Democrats, and vice versa.

I get all the major networks on television in Canada. I watch all of them for a taste of what they're doing, I watch the banned Al Jazeera news network on the internet. I have an extensive blog reading list, I read just about all the articles on every major news website ranging from the NY times to the BBC. I can be labeled as someone who is ignorant, or someone who doesn't really know what the situation is. That's fine. I accept your terms to disagree with me, however, know that what I say here is not because I dislike Americans, or that I have an agenda to bring them down. Rather, I feel sorry for the people of America, and I know that they deserve so much better.

It has been stated that when the government controls all business within a country, it is called communism and when the corporations control the government, it is called fascism. The United States people have forgotten what their forefathers have said to them. The very same people who disapproved of monarchy, of dictators. The very same people who promoted democracy and power to the people. They valued democracy because they went through the same things as the people did. They experienced the same oppression by the British. This is a history lesson that doesn't even need to be repeated to the typical American.

The American people currently live in a fascist country. Their politicians are fascists. Their media are fascists, and many of the people who are content in their ignorance, and there is a good many of them, are fascists.

America used to be the beacon of freedom for the world. The beacon of liberty throughout the world when the world was ruled by empires and hereditary rule. Even up until when I was a child I believed the United States of America used to be the beacon of hope for the world.

America has failed the world, and themselves. We live in a society where we have everything, and we're throwing it all away. I say "we" because Canada is no different in this respect. The entire world is no different. We have everything we ever wanted, but we are just pissing it all away down the drain. America has failed themselves because the people have become complacent, and the evolution of the presidents, and the way they are elected have become filled to the brim with corruption. So much so that your elections are a joke. Your candidates are a joke, and the worst part about it, no one is willing to do anything about it. You can bitch, and complain about it all you want but let's call a spade a spade and say that the American people are not happy, but they are not willing to do anything about it. That, to me, is saddening.

In Canada, we almost had an election for thinking about extending our troop presence in Afghanistan for two more years, in America, your president issues hundreds of billions of dollars for the war, but can't muster 25 billion for a temporary child health care plan. From the articles I've read people are not happy, and it's a big blow to the American people, yet, where are you standing up to your president? Where is the anger? Where is the fire?

I stand by what I said. The United States of America is run by fascists and you are subjected to propaganda and information to make you conform to it every single day. We gave fascism a face and it was Hitler because Hitler made it obvious, and public that it was a fascist regime. Ironically enough, Hitler also said the following. "People are more willing to believe a big lie, than a small one." Big lies are told to you every single day by everyone you think you can trust.

Most of the older generations do not follow what is said on the internet, rather their only source of information about politicians and their views is from the media, but the media is on board with the government, and the corporations that own them control the politicians. The political system in America is designed for the corporations behind the scenes to keep control over the politics. Don't believe me?

General Electric owns NBC. NBC is censoring some politicians, case in point - Mike Gravel. If you've been following the debates, Mike Gravel is anti-war. NBC is censoring him making false claims that he hasn't met all the campaigning goals. He, in fact, has met all the goals except for his one or two million he must raise for being a hopeful. It's the fact that he is anti-war that's the problem. NBC and many of your pro-left media groups want Hilary for president. Why? Because Hilary will bring them war, and General Electric currently has a 2 billion dollar military contract with the United States government. War makes them money. This is not only a corruption of the political process, but it is also fascism. The network is going out of it's way to censor someone due to their views, thus, the people who use the television and news networks for their main source of presidential information, is now being given a different ideology. In other words, you are being forced to accept the ideas of other people, which is core definition of fascism. These large companies are also the major contributors to the politicians they want to win.

I could give you the exact same scenario in every single news network, if you want. Fox News, MSNBC, CNN, you name it. I'll give it to you. I've been doing this for a long time; following it for even longer.

The fact Hilary Clinton is in the top spot for the democratic electorate is very disturbing. Her policies are not that far different from President Bush's. In fact, Bush supports her. Bush currently holds a 24% approval rating, and the fact that someone with the same ideology as Bush holds 40% in the democratic hopefuls is a direct contradiction of the people's view. If you disapprove of the current president's policies, why are you going to vote in someone who is exactly like him?

To make matters even scarier, if she is elected you will be having a particular dynasty going on here. Bush, Clinton, Bush and now Clinton. Do you, the American people, honestly believe that anything is going to change if Clinton is elected? She has stated she wants to end the war in Iraq, yet at the AIPAC summit she was pro-war with Iran, and she voted for the Lieberman report. That can only mean that she will say anything to win. It means she's screwing you over. She's also been involved in multiple money laundering scandals. Like the one with Peter Paul. What she did to Peter Paul was enough to end political careers, but for some reason or another this woman has 40% support, and currently holds the top spot for presidential democratic candidacy. Hilary Clinton is the scariest person on the face of the earth, and the fact that she has a good chance at being president makes America even scarier than what it's become already.

On the other side, you have a small beacon of hope to try and slightly go in the opposite direction. Ron Paul currently has the most support out of all the republican candidates. He is the most firm in his stance. He has never changed his views and stances while all the other candidates have in order to get more votes. In comparison with Ron Paul, the other candidates' are exposed. The candidates are going with Bush's failing foreign policy because that's what has worked in the past to get more votes. They are propagandizing war to you, telling you your life is at risk. Telling you that your home is at risk and your country is at risk. Haven't you learned or remembered anything from your forefathers?

"People willing trade a little liberty for security deserve neither and lose both." -Benjamin Franklin.

These guys went through exactly what you're going through now. Corrupt politics. "Taxation without representation." You have no one who is representing you. No one is standing up for the people, only masking their own agendas saying it's for the people. You are irrevocably being "taxed" because of it. Your economy is declining, your international reputation is declining, your poverty is going up, you're losing your homes and your jobs. Is this not a tax? Where are the political freedom fighters? Where are the politicians willing to cut "defense" budgeting for a better social system? "Defense budget" is another word for "Military budget." It has nothing to do with defense. You aren't any safer than you were 6 years ago, you're just slipping into the Big Brother mentality that you're safe. This is what Orwell tried to warn you about. You've had so many events and people to point you in the right direction. When will you finally say "enough is enough!" When will you finally stand up and take your country back? When will you fight your media and take it back, restoring it under the control of the people, like it should be?

The media is trying as hard as they can to silence Ron Paul. He has a huge internet following. He has won all the debates by over 10-15% support above the competition, but the mainstream media is saying he has no chance, most of them support Giuliani, who is just as bad as Hilary. Just like the episode of the Simpsons where the two aliens bent on global domination ran for president in opposing parties. No matter who you choose, you're screwed.

It is my understanding the presidential hopefuls must raise two million dollars in order to be accepted as candidacy. It's also my understanding that the party itself chooses the presidential hopeful. The first part shouldn't even exist. What does two million dollars have to do with the person's view on topics? Anyone should be able to run for president candidacy, shouldn't they? The second part is the same thing that happens in Canada, except not as public. This is equally as irrelevant and shouldn't even be followed. People should choose their presidential candidates, not the political party.

It is my opinion that Ron Paul is the American people's best bet to try to getting your country back on track. Except if his own party doesn't vote for him, even if the people really support him, then he doesn't have a chance.

Let's assume another President Bush-like character is elected into power. What are you going to do when you realize that this type of person is exactly what you were trying to elect out of power? If you're calling to impeach Bush, don't replace him with another President Bush. But what can you do? Will you finally rise up and take the power back after realizing that you've made the same mistake again? What will it take for you to finally stand up and just say "no?"

Even if my facts are wrong in this article and I've made some mistakes, the message will remain the same. There is something wrong with America, and it's deafening. There is something wrong in your political and media system. There is something wrong in America, that much the majority of everyone can agree with. The simple question is, what are you going to do about it? When are you going to do it? I want to believe that you are the beacon of hope again.

Democratic and Republicans are not the way. The people are the way. It is not about being far left, or far right. It is about the truth, and accepting the truth for what it is. We, as people, must force our leaders and media to inform us accurately and fully to allow us to make informed decisions. Without us there is no nation. We, the people, are the way.

All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing." - Edmund Burke

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